Program for Leading Graduate Schools, Nagoya University
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Program for Leading Graduate Schools: PhD Professional: Gateway to Success in Frontier Asia, Raising Leaders to Explore New Horizons

Event Information

Special lecture: Introduction to Science Journalism 【November 17, 16:30~】


In this lecture, we will invite Mr. Takeshi Shimizu as lecturer. Science journalism has the role to connect the society and increasingly complex science and technology, and its importance has been growing in Japan particularly after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. From his experience of studying physics and mathematics at the University of London and working for news at the BBC, Mr. Shimizu will lecture on the necessary professional and linguistic skills, and possible career path to become a science journalist.

Date      :November 17 (Thu), 201616:30ー18:00
Lecturer   :Takeshi Shimizu(BBC Broadcast interpreter/Journalist)
Venue    :CALE Forum, 2nd floor f International Bldg. (In front of Graduate School of International Development)
Language :English(Japanese acceptable for Q&A)
Participants :Students from the six Leading programs
Registration :Pre-registration is preferred. Please contact PhD Toryumon Offrice (See the brochure below)

Please refert to the brochure below for details.
Intoduction to Science Journalism.pdf

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